Moroccan Draft Law Criticized; Rated Better

25 June 2015

The Moroccan government’s latest draft freedom of information law is better than a 2104 version, according to well-known international rating, but worse than a 2013 draft.

The draft has been given a score of 79 on the 150-point RTI Rating done by the Centre for Democracy and Law.

This latest score is above the rating of 65 for the 2014 Moroccan draft, but down from the score of 100 given the 2013 draft.

The score of 79 would tie Morocco with Canada at 59th in the world out of 102 countries evaluated.

The Moroccan Network for the Right of Access to Information issued a statement calling the latest draft inconsistent with the letter and spirit of the Constitution that urging changes. The group urged Parliament to amend the draft.

See text of latest draft in English.

In Black font: text of the earlier version

In pink font: Added text from the new version

Crossed-out Text from earlier version deleted in new version


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