Macedonian Protestors File FOI Requests About Policy

9 February 2015

Besides marching in the street, Macedonian protesters against certain new taxes and fees are filing freedom of information requests about them.

The charges on part-time workers and freelancers were supposed to go into effect Jan. 1. They have been the subject of several rallies in Skopje by several thousand persons. Payment for certain categories of workers were postponed in late January the news agency recently reported because of the lack of coordination within government ministries.

Protesters are preparing to ask the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy about the law’s ambiguities using FOI requests. “By submitting requests for access to information as to the reasons for the delay in payments, protesters aim to show the bureaucratic inefficiency of the ministry under what many say is an absurd pretext and absurd regulations,” according to a report in Global Voices. Submitters were provided with a template for doing the requests.

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