OGP Access Group Intends To Survey Members on Goals

29 January 2015

The Access to Information Working Group formed by the Open Government Partnership will soon send out a questionnaire to members soliciting their views.

“The questionnaire will be used as a basis/input for this year’s OGP ATI working group action plan,” according to Laura Neuman, the Director of the Global Access to Information Initiative at the Carter Centre and one of the access group’s organizers along with Francisco Alvarez, of the Federal Information Commission of Mexico.

“We completed a number of activities in 2014, including peer-to-peer learning and support, and are in the process of developing the work plan for 2015,” Neuman wrote in a posting to members of the FOI Advocates Network.

“The questionnaire will be used as a basis/input for this year’s OGP ATI working group action plan,” she said.

Register as a member of the OGP ATI working group here. The working group developed its first work plan in early 2014. Neuman said the group is hoping to commission a number of papers/studies related to OGP and access to information.

Existing studies are rather dated.

The OGP recently published its database on the national action plan commitment, with improved coding to facilitate research.

The access working group did its own study in early 2014.

The Centre on Law and Democracy in 2012 reviewed an early batch of national action plans.

RTI-related commitments by African OGP members are cited in the State of Right to Information in Africa Report 2014.

Some of the FOI-related efforts are mentioned in this uncomprehensive OGP report.

The overall role of the five working groups was discussed by OGP leaders last year (See previous FreedomInfo.org report.)

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