What’s New

  • 7 March 2014

    Two Pakistani States Implementing New Laws

    Two Pakistani states have taken somewhat delayed steps to implement recently passed right to information laws. The Punjab government has established the Punjab Information Commission and appointed the commissioners. One of them is Mukhtar Ahmed Ali. He is the founding director of a group that advocated for the new law, the Centre for Peace and […]

  • 6 March 2014

    Bahrain Sets Penalties for Leaking Information

    The Bahrian Shura Council has approved a government-drafted bill to penalize leaks of government information. The categories are top secret, secret and limited/classified” according to a Gulf Daily article. Under the amended law, government officials who leak “top secret” information could be jailed for up to 10 years and fined up to BD5,000 ($13,263). Officials […]

  • 6 March 2014

    Insuring transparency isn’t the cost of outsourcing

    By Steve Wood Wood is the Head of Policy Delivery at the UK Information Commissioners Office. This article appeared in the ICO blog on March 5. As talk of austerity continues to echo through the corridors of the public sector, the value of cost savings grows ever-more attractive. And if a CBI report is to […]

  • 6 March 2014

    Setting the stage for a Philippines FOI law

    By Purple S. Romero and Jerryll Reyes The authors co-wrote a chapter on the “Politics of Freedom of Information Bill in the Philippines” in the book Room for Maneuver: Social Sector Policy Reform in the Philippines. The book, published by The Asia Foundation, will be launched on March 4. This article appeared originally March 1 […]

  • 6 March 2014

    Slovenian Assembly Expands Reach of Access Law

    The Slovenian National Assembly March 6 unanimously voted to extend freedom of information disclosure requirements to state- and municipality-owned firms, according to Slovenian Press Agency report. An amendment to make public all non-performing loans at state banks was defeated. Senior executives of state-owned companies lobbied strongly against the proposed changes to the Access to Public […]

  • 4 March 2014

    Freedom of Information in Ireland: changing of the guard

    By Tony Lowes Lowes is a Director of Friends of the Irish Environment In what is a serious blow to Freedom of Information in Ireland, the newly appointed Information Commission and Ombudsman Peter Tyndall has withdrawn his predecessor’s appeal to the Supreme Court against a High Court judgment that the constitutional right to cabinet confidentiality […]

  • 4 March 2014

    Philippines Senate Nears Passage of FOI Bill

    The Philippines Senate March 3 approved on second reading a freedom of information bill, after making some amendments. The FOI bill (Senate Bill 1733) is expected to pass on third and final reading on March 10. Senate passage has occurred regularly in recent years, but passage in the House has been the hang-up. Once again, the […]

  • 4 March 2014

    Turkish Groups RTI Experiences, Make Plans

    A focus group meeting on right to information was held Jan. 14 in Ankara, Turkey, and civil society participants summarized their goals in a report. The session was organized jointly by TACSO Turkey and STGM and brought together 16 CSO participants. The purpose of the meeting was to share their opinions and experience in relation […]

  • 4 March 2014

    Bermuda Premier Plans Hunt for First Info Commissioner

    Bermuda Premier Craig Cannonier has told parliament that the recruitment process for an information commissioner to oversee the 2010 freedom of information law will start this spring. He said further legislation on public access to information — to set fees, establish the organization and deal with maintenance of public records — would be introduced in […]

  • 4 March 2014

    FOI Notes: Research, Oscars, OGP, Open Data, RTI Video

    Research: The Governance Lab (The GovLab) at New York University announced the formation of the MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Opening Governance, which will seek to develop blueprints for more effective and legitimate democratic institutions to help improve people’s lives. It is made possible by a three-year grant of $5 million from the John D. […]

  • 28 February 2014

    Mexican Senate Declines to Reappoint Commissioners

    The Mexican Senate has rejected the requests of the four current commissioners of the Federal Institute for Access to Information and Data Protection (IFAI) to stay in office. The four commissioners — Sigrid Arzt, Maria Elena Perez-Jaen, Angel Trinidad Zaldivar and Gerardo Laveaga (the chairman) – will likely be gone by the first week in […]

  • 28 February 2014

    UN Body Includes Access to Information on Agenda

    The United Nations Open Working Group on Sustainable Development has included “improved public access to information” among many topics addressed in a “focus areas” document announced Feb. 21. The relevant focus area, among 19, states: Focus area 19. Peaceful and non-violent societies, capable institutions Creating peaceful, non-violent and inclusive societies, based on respect for all […]

  • 28 February 2014

    Study Rates Chinese Government Websites

    The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) on Feb. 24 issued a report evaluating government agencies on information transparency. The National Railway Administration ranked last, according to the blue book report, with a score of zero out of 100, according to a Global Times article. Number on in the index was the Ministry of Education, […]

  • 28 February 2014

    US House Approves Bill to Improve FOIA Operations

    The US House Feb. 25 voted 410-0 to pass a bill (H.R. 1211) intended to improve the operation of the Freedom of Information Act. No similar bill exists in the Senate, but the Senate Judiciary Committee is planning to hold a hearing on FOIA on March 11. FOIA advocates are hoping that a Senate bill […]

  • 28 February 2014

    FOI Notes: World Bank, Honesty Oscars, Contracting, Big Data

    IFTI Watch: The Bank Information Center has updated its how-to guide called “Unlocking the World Bank’s Access to Information Policy.” The principal author of the “toolkit” is Veronique Danforth. Honesty Oscars: The Accountability Lab and ONE is conducting voting for the Honesty Oscars 2014 Feb. 24-28 “to honor groundbreaking people and creative that make our […]

  • 21 February 2014

    House Group Starts Working on Philippines FOI Bill

    Slow progress has been made by a Philippines House Committee to write a freedom of information bill. The Technical Working Group appointed last year began substantive talks on the bill for the first time Feb. 18, several days after a self-imposed Feb. 14 deadline for completing the job. After getting through the first six sections, the […]

  • 21 February 2014

    EU Court Rules for ECB, Against Bloomberg News

    The European Union Court of Justice in a Feb. 6 decision rejected an appeal of a lower court decision saying the European Central Bank does not need to disclose its reports on how Greece used derivatives to hide its debt. The suit was brought in December 2010 by Bloomberg News. “European taxpayers, bearing the cost of […]

  • 21 February 2014

    Ill wind in Canberra on the transparency front

    By Peter Timmins This article appeared Feb. 20 in Timmins’ Open and Shut blog. It’s still summer, it is not completely dark and gloomy (this Freedom of Information disclosure by Defence to Sean Parnell of The Australian is one to keep hope alive) but these straws plucked from the mist are telling: Tone at the […]

  • 21 February 2014

    Fiji FOI Decree Expected Soon, Attorney General Says

    Fiji’s Attorney General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum says an access information decree will be issued in a few months, according to report by Shanal Sivan for FBC News. Sayed-Khaiyum noted a provision for freedom of information under the 1997 constitution. “He says they are currently compiling some important documents and decrees, before the elections, after which they […]

  • 21 February 2014

    FOI Notes: Research Papers, Open Data, OGP, Sunshine Week

    Implementation Guidelines: The Centre for Law and Democracy and the Indonesian Center for Environmental Law have releasing two sets of guidelines “designed to assist Indonesian public bodies overcome the major challenges associated with implementing the right to information (RTI) legislation Indonesia adopted in 2008. One guideline provides an overall roadmap of what public bodies need […]