FOI Notes: Personnel Moves, Pakistan Video, US Schools, UK Court Ruling

23 October 2014

Personnel: The Ford Foundation announced the appointment of Rakesh Rajani as director of Democratic Participation and Governance. Rajani currently serves as the head of Twaweza in Tanzania and was the lead civil society chair for the Open Government Partnership. He will begin his new position in New York on Jan. 5.

Personnel: Transparency International has elected Peruvian lawyer José Ugaz as its new head, which Reuters said in a news report means “a shift from quiet diplomacy in combating fraud and bribery toward more grassroots activism.” Ugaz, best known for leading the investigation against former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori for corruption and human rights abuses, beat the former head of the World Trade Organization Pascal Lamy by 75 to 49 votes, the advocacy group said.

Pakistan: “Right to Information in Pakistan-A Historical Perspective,” a video by the Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives.

United States: Chicago Public Schools stood out among all the districts for its transparency regarding district assessments,” according to a report by the Center for American Progress.

United Kingdom: The meaning of “promptly” is addressed by a court, writes Jon Baines in his blog.

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