FOI Notes: OGP Research Call, Resource Transparency, Open Data, UK, US, Brazil

9 October 2014

Open Government Partnership: The Transparency and Accountability Initiative is seeking research proposals on: when and how are pro-reform actors able to leverage OGP – its processes, spaces and resources – to pursue improved government responsiveness and accountability? Due date is Oct. 27.

Resource Transparency: The Resource Governance Index finds that only 11 of the countries—less than 20 percent—have satisfactory standards of transparency and accountability.

Open Data: Open Knowledge and the Open Definition Advisory Council Oct. 7 released version 2.0 of the Open Definition, that “sets out principles that define openness in relation to data and content.” The definition will help fight “quality problems such as ‘open-washing’ (non-open data being passed off as open) and from fragmentation of the open data ecosystem due to incompatibility between the growing number of “open” licenses, the announcement said.

United Kingdom: The Campaign for Freedom of Information replies in detail to a proposal that some FOI tribunal cases be dealt with by a single judge rather than a panel of 3? “We think not in most cases,” the group says.

United States: The Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council quizzes candidates on their open government positions.

United States: The Connecticut Council on Freedom of Information asks candidates to take the Public Official’s Pledge for Open and Accountable Government.

Open Data: The Web Foundation’s Open Data Research Network held a Web Meeting to dig in depth into opportunities and challenges present in data revolution idea. Another forum on the topic was held in Africa with case studies from Uganda, Nigeria and Kenya.

Brazil: The Brazilian government has released an open data kit (kit de dados abertos). Though not available in English, it is described in a blog post by Nitai Silva.

Open Data: A short overview of open data practices and policies in 13 Asian countries from Waltraut Ritter, Knowledge Dialogues and Opendata Hong Kong.

United States: A review of the Internal Revenue Service’s intentionally withheld or failed to “adequately search” for requested information in hundreds of cases, according to the Treasury Department Inspector General for Tax Administration.Go here to read the full TIGTA report.

Environmental Transparency: An article in says industry and green campaigners distrust the Commission and the data it uses to evaluate the impact of policy options and want full access to the data in future impact assessments. The Commission is currently reviewing its guidelines on impact assessments.

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