Croatia Pledges to Amend Access to Information Act

28 October 2014

Croatia has pledged to amend its freedom of information act to improve its usefulness, according to one point in its latest action plan submitted as part of the Open Government Partnership process

The government committed to make changes that would help ensure that its data is high quality and accessible for reuse.

“Amendments to the Data Confidentiality Act which, though planned, were not carried out during the first year of implementation of the initiative, will ensure further progress that will facilitate the implementation of the Act on the Right of Access to Information, clearer definitions and developing categories of classified data, defining cases in which the tests of proportionality and public interest, etc. will be carried out,” according to the action plan, which also includes a spreadsheet of target dates.

Croatia also plans to develop a database on public administration bodies that are subject to apply the Act on the Right of Access to Information to improve the monitoring the implementation of the act and help users.

Professional training for information officials in public administration

bodies is envisioned. “Educational online programs will be developed to more easily reach out to information officials at the local and regional levels,” the plan states. “This will further contribute to raising awareness on the importance of ensuring free access to information among officials.

Education campaigns for citizens are planned.

Competitions will be organized and awards granted for transparency and openness of public authorities at the local and regional levels.

Croatia last updated its law in 2013. (See previous report.)

Croatia’s plans are included in a report, “What’s in the New OGP National Action Plans?”, in which the OGP Support Unit highlights the work of OGP participating countries that are making interesting new commitments in their action plans.

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