US Government Issues Prototype FOI Request Tool

4 September 2014

A U.S. government team has unveiled a prototype tool for making freedom of information requests online.

The blog post about the consolidated request submission hub says the tool is part of an effort to:

  • improve the FOIA request submission experience;
  • create a scalable infrastructure for making requests to federal agencies; and
  • make it easier for requesters to find records and other information that have already been made available online.

A FOIA Task Force, which consists of representatives from the Department of Justice, Environmental Protection Agency, the Office of Management and Budget, the Office of Science and Technology Policy, and others, has been created to oversee the creation of these open source software resources.

The prototype was developed by the FOIA team at 18F, a unit within the General Service Administration. “Please follow along at our main FOIA repo, give us feedback or contribute, and look for more updates in the future,” according to the blog post.

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