Tanzanian President Pledges FOI Law in February 2015

25 September 2014

The president of Tanzania, Jakaya Kikwete, said Sept. 24 that a freedom of information bill would be approved in February, 2015.

His commitment came at a meeting in New York commemorating the third anniversary of the Open Government Partnership (video link).

In October 2013 at the OGP summit in London, he had pledged to pass a freedom of information bill “by next year.”

Now, Kikwete said, stakeholder consultations are completed and the government is preparing a bill to send to parliament for first reading in November.

He pledged that a bill would be passed on second reading in February.

In May, Constitutional and Legal Affairs Minister Asha-Rose Migiro was quoted as saying, “My ministry has prepared Paper proposing enactment of the Right to Information Act. It is our hope that this process will be complete by December this year.” (See previous FreedomInfo.org report.)

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