OGP Group Proposes Draft Open Data Charter

11 September 2014

A draft international Open Data Charter is being proposed by the Open Government Partnership Open Data Working Group Steering Committee.

“This Charter is based on the principles of the G8 Open Data Charter,” according to an announcement which continued, “It has been lightly revised from the original G8 language to make it more internationally focused.”

“The goal is for the final text of the Charter to be accompanied by a Technical Annex, and for the two documents to be adoptable by countries around the world.

The draft includes five principles, which it elaborates:

  • Open Data by Default
  • Quality and Quantity
  • Useable by All
  • Releasing Data for Improved Governance
  • Releasing Data for Innovation

Comments are being requested by end of day Monday, Sept. 29. Send comments to Allison O’Beirne, Analyst / Advisor, Chief Information Officer Branch, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat / Government of Canada — Allison.O’Beirne@tbs-sct.gc.ca

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