FOI Notes: Open Contracting, World Bank Report, FOI Fees, Research, Odd Documents, Reports

4 September 2014

Open Contracting: The Open Contracting Partnership announces the Beta Release of the Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS).

World Bank Study: The World Bank will hold an e-webinar on Sept. 10 at 10 a.m. EST on a forthcoming report concerning RTI requests and appeals. Register here.

Fees: An Irish government report on FOI fees includes research on international practices.

Transparency Research: Brendan Halloran writes in the Politics, Governance and Development blog about what researchers are thinking about the issues of transparency and accountability.

United States:  “10 Ridiculous Documents Released Through the Freedom of Information Act,” according to the site Mental Floss.

Australia: Proposed FOI legislation is critically reviewed by blogger Peter Timmins.

Media Research: The Open Society Foundation has just released the cross-cutting, global findings from its Mapping Digital Media Project.

Journalists for Transparency: The first output by this “collective of journalists and storytellers that seeks to explore issues of transparency and corruption around the globe” is entitled: “Spoiled: Corruption from Farm to Table.” The work was carried out in partnership with International Anti-Corruption Conference.

United States: The Center for Digital Government issues its biennial Digital States Survey, which evaluates state governments’ ability to improve internal processes and better serve citizens with technology.

Digital Surveillance: The Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) and Global Partners Digital launching a new publication, “Travel Guide to the Digital World: Surveillance and International Standards,” aimed at helping Internet users understand digital surveillance and its human rights implications.

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