FOI Notes: Transparency Research, Open Contracting, Global Conference Invites Papers

15 September 2014

Transparency Research: A new version of the #OpenGovNow portal includes data from a survey conducted in 62 countries to measure perceptions and demand for openness. Country by country data is available on the answers to the questions of “How open is your government?” and “Do you want your government to be more open?” It also includes video interviews, interactive graphs, and other information.

Tanzania scores highest in rankings, with saying the government 51 percent open and 29 percent saying it is somewhat open.

Open Contracting: The World Bank Governance Global Practice’s Open Private Sector Platform launches the Open Government Contracts Platform, an open data instrument elaborated in collaboration with Govini and the larger Open Contracting community.

As a demonstration, the platform currently displays in real-time 44,000 contract records totaling $7.3 billion from India.

Call for Papers: The 4th Global Conference on Transparency Research will be held June 4-6 at Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano.

It will be the fourth time for the conference at which “academics, policy makers, and interest group representatives to analyze and discuss the ever-growing reach and impact of the logic of transparency and openness: policies on access to information held by public entities, transparency relationships between organizations, transparency relationships between governments, private and non?profit entities and citizens.”

The announcement says further:

As in the previous editions of the conference in Newark (2011), Utrecht (2012) and Paris (2013), the event addresses an interdisciplinary community of scholars including disciplines such as law, business, economics, communication, sociology, political science, public administration, journalism, and philosophy – all connected through their interest in transparency.

The upcoming edition of the conference will be hosted by the Institute of Public Communication at the Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano. As part of the Swiss Public Administration Network (SPAN), the University has a strong and continuous commitment to the study of public communication, administration and management. (

We welcome papers within the scope of the following issues:

Transparency: concept and determinants

Transparency and technology

Roots of transparency and critics

Transparency and accountability

Transparency and corruption

Transparency, democracy and politics

Transparency in developing countries

Transparency and FOI legislation

Transparency reform and governance

Transparency and (national) security

Transparency and NGOs/IOs

Open data

Transparency and participation

Transparency and regulatory compliance

Transparency and privacy

Transparency in the EU

Transparency and trust

**Contributions regarding the realities and limits of transparency in the security and military sector are especially encouraged.

The working language for the conference is English. All presentations should accordingly be in English. Nevertheless, abstracts and papers can also be submitted in French, German and Italian. Deadline for the submission of abstracts is February 15, 2015. Individual abstracts should be 400 words long. Final papers will be a maximum of 7,000 ? 8,000 words long and in a form appropriate to submit to an academic journal.


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