Several Proposals in UK Would Change Procedures

21 August 2014

The senior president of tribunals in the United Kingdom, Sir Jeremy Sullivan, has proposed that in some situations a judge alone could handle information rights cases.

Now, two lay people experienced in information law generally sit alongside a judge, according to a summary on a website run by a law firm, Pinset Mason.

“It does appear, however, that there are a small number of appeals which could be decided swiftly and proportionately by a judge sitting alone,” according to the consultation announcement. The consultation is open for comments until Oct. 3.

Separately, a proposal has been made that information rights tribunals be able to provide binding rulings on public bodies’ re-use of non-personal information under new plans.

“The National Archives, which is an agency with the Ministry of Justice, said that involving the information rights tribunals was one way to ensure UK regulations implement new EU rules on public sector information re-use. The European Commission issued guidance earlier this year to help public sector bodies adhere to those rules,” according to another article on the law firm website.


Both articles include links to the consulations.

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