IFAI Creates Committees on Six Different Topics

15 August 2014

Mexico’s Federal Institute for Access to Information and Data Protection (IFAI) has established six working committees, each headed by a commissioner.

In a meeting with the heads of the Liaison Units from the agencies and entities from the Public Federal Administration, the commissioners of IFAI presented the Working Committees created to address the new responsibilities and powers that the recent constitutional amendment on transparency gave to the institution.

The new tasks include the expansion of IFAI’s jurisdiction to the incorporate new obligees, such as the Congress, the judiciary, political parties, public funds, unions and any person that receives and manages public resources.

Also, the committees will work on activities related to proactive transparency, the Open Government Alliance, and state transparency agencies.

The new committees and their responsibilities are:

      – Liaison with NewObligees and Records Management and Archives, Francisco Javier Acuña Llamas.

      – Liaison and Promotion of the Right to Personal Data Information Regulations and the Policy, Areli Cano Guadiana.

      – Indicators and Evaluation and Information Technologies, Oscar Mauricio Guerra Ford.

      – Training and Culture of Transparency; International Affairs and Oversight, Monitoring, Verification and Sanctions, María Patricia  Kurczyn Villalobos.

     – Liaison with States and Municipalities and Access to Information, Rosendoevgueni Monterrey Chepov.

     – Transparency and Open Government and Access to Information Policies, Joel Salas Suarez.

Each of the commissioners made a brief presentation of the issues and tasks assigned to their committee.

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