FOI Notes: Reports, Commentary, Employment, UN, Mexico, More

21 August 2014

OGP: Alberto Abella creates a countries’ ranking based on their ambition in their OGP plans and their accomplishments.

Latin America: As part of its series of occasional e-books, the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas just launched “Transparency and Accountability: Journalism and access to public information in Latin America and the Caribbean.” This e-book is a special report of the 11th Austin Forum on Journalism in the Americas, a roundtable conference organized last year by the Knight Center, gathering journalists and experts from a dozen countries from throughout the Western Hemisphere. It contains 12 chapters that form a snapshot of the access-to-public-information situation in 11 Latin American countries and the Caribbean Region.

Mexico: Mexico’s IFAI controversially declines to challenge the constitutionality of the new telecom law, according to a report in Global Voices.

Australia: “The major parties will not say whether they will improve Victoria’s Freedom of Information system despite criticism that it takes too long and has other weaknesses,” reports the Herald Sun.

United Nations: The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) is lobbying the United Nations to include access to information among Sustainable Development Goals by 2015. At the 80th Annual World Congress of Libraries and Information standing in Lyon, France, IFLA issued an official statement which highlights why access to information is an element of healthy and sustainable development. See press release (in English), also other languages.

Open Data: The Center for Date Innovation issues a snapshot on US state efforts to create open data policies and portals and ranks states on their progress.

Commentary: World Bank President Jim Yong Kim writes an article entitled “How technology is beating corruption.”

Commentary: Former US congressman Lee Hamilton, a member of the 9/11 Commission, writes “Recalling 9/11: Too Much Government Secrecy Can Become Life-And-Death Matter.”

Employment: Associate Director, the Global Access to Inform Initiative, the Carter Center. The associate director will support management of one or more projects within the Global Access to Information Initiative, including strategic direction, design and implementation, budgeting, fundraising, and public relations. More information here. 

Mexico: An article by Jesse Franzblau: “Four Years Later, Mexican Migration Agency Makes First Disclosure on 2010 San Fernando Massacre.”


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