FOI Notes: Arabic ATI Guide, OGP in LA, OKFest, Contest, Open Data, Job Posting

24 July 2014

ATI Guide in Arabic: An Arabic version of the Guide on ATI, published by UNESCO in April, is available.

Latin America: Winds of Change: The Progress of Open Government Policymaking in Latin America and the Caribbean, a book in English and Spanish, reviews activities in 15 countries under theOpen Government Partnership.

2014 OK Festival: A report on the big event in Berlin by Mark Boyd, including neat summaries of open data activities in 25 countries and regions. Boyd is a ProgrammableWeb writer covering breaking news, API business strategies and models, open data, and smart cities.

Open Data: A major report developed by SBC4D for the Partnership for Open Data (POD). This study had the objectives to identify key stakeholders that could be potential partners with POD, enabling the Open Data domain to achieve its full potential in terms of development opportunities for low and middle income countries. Among the conclusions, “There is very little connection between horizontal (e.g. national OD initiatives) and vertical (sector-specific initiatives on e.g. extractive industry, or disaster management) activities.”

Open Data: The World Bank issues a report summarizing the “ growing amount of evidence and analysis not only for the total potential economic benefit but also for some of the ways in which this is coming about.” Also a link to a seminar on the subject.

FOI Request of the Week/United States: A story in the Columbia Journalism Review describes a journalist’s years-long fight that ended with Chicago agreeing to make public records of police misconduct complaints.

Job Announcement: The Center for Effective Government in Washington is seeking a policy analyst to join its Open Government Program. Blog Roll. New addition – The FOIA Project – Periodic updates when the federal government grants or withholds records under the FOIA. Updated daily, this “FOIA accountability engine” now includes detailed information on every case that challenges government withholding in federal court. Coverage of decisions on FOIA administrative requests on an agency-by-agency basis. Run by the  Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse. Link is to the News section.

Legal Leaks Contest Deadline: Sept. 8 is the deadline for journalists to enter a contest for the best articledescribing the access to information requests that he or she made. The contest, with monetary prizes, is sponsored by Access Info Europe.

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