Access to Information Line Included in UN Document

18 July 2014

A line on access to information so far has survived international negotiations in the United Nations Open Working Group (OWG) drafting a new set of development goals.

Talks were continuing July 18, the fourth day of meetings, and were expected to continue into the night, with a possibility that the language could change, according to two persons closely following the talks.

Late July 18, the access statement is:

16.8   guarantee unfettered access to public information, in accordance with national legislation

Commenting on the language above, one of the experts said, “Even though the current text is not the strongest it has survived many rounds of drafts, which is probably related to the fact that Member States do not feel as threatened by it as they are by freedom of expression.”

The other close observer commented that the access to information language “is not great.”

Section 16 contains language on 10 points, including reducing corruption and ensuring public participation in decision-making. The draft section begins:

Goal:  Promote peaceful and inclusive societies, providing access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels for sustainable development

Final recommendations are expected in September.

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