14 CSO Candidates Selected As Finalists to Join OGP SC

22 July 2014

Fourteen persons have been selected for the short list of candidates from civil society who still are running to become members of the Open Government Partnership Steering Committee.

The OGP is keeping the list a secret, but FreedomInfo.org obtained a confirmed list of the 14 finalists for the five open seats

The 14 are:

– Vitus Azeem (TI Ghana), Ghana

– Alvin Mosioma (Tax Justice Network- Africa), Kenya

– David Lewis (Corruption Watch), South Africa

– Mukelani Dimba (Open Democracy Advice Centre), South Africa

– Sugeng Bahagijo (International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development- INFID), Indonesia

– Nwezin Win (National NGO Network), Myanmar

– Jamie Drummond (ONE), United Kingdom

– Judith Randel (Development Initiatives), United Kingdom

– Fernando Straface (Center for the Implementation of Public Policies for Equity and Growth), Argentina

– Adriana Ramos (ABONG, ISA, Brazilian National NGO’s Association), Brazil

– Cecilia Blondet (Pro-Etica), Peru

– Toby Mendel (Centre for Law & Democracy), Canada

– Manish Bapna (World Resources Institute), United States

– Nathaniel Heller (Global Integrity), United States

The complete list of original candidates, their resumes and nomination letters, are posted on the OGP website.

A five-person committee winnowed the 37 original candidates to 14. Five new members will be selected to join six incumbents on the OGP Steering Committee. The OGP Steering Committee will have 22 members, equally divided between representatives of governments and civil society. A five-person committee from CSOs, plus the OGP CSO coordinator Paul Maassen, are making the choices. The process is described here.

Governments are in the process of holding an election to fill open government seats. (See previous Freedominfo.org report.)

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