Tunisia Announces Plans to Consult on Access law

13 June 2014

Tunisia will hold a second consultation on the draft law on access to information, according to the Secretary of State in charge of governance and public service, Anouar Ben Khelifa.

The goal is to replace Decree Law No. 41-2011 on access to administrative documents.

The Secretary of State said that repeal of the decree is consistent with the provisions of the new constitution, which states that the texts relating to other human rights and freedoms must be regulated by organic laws, according to a media report (in French).

The 2014 Constitution established the right of access to information, he said, but the decree has several gaps, he said at a June 10 conference.

The first public consultation on the draft organic law on access to information was held between August and October 2013.

Proposals to amend the draft were made in March by Article 19, the UK-based freedom of expression group.

Separately, a report on Tunisia and the Open Government Partnership appeared recently in the OGP blog.


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