Push for Bahamian FOI Law to Kick Off With March

6 June 2014

A broad coalition of groups is planning a march on June 11 to dramatize a campaign for a freedom of information law.

The march is being supported by some political parties, churches, trade unions, business associations, concerned citizens’ groups, including Bahamas Against Crime and the Bahamas Humane Society. The Trade Union Congress has called on labor organization to support the emerging coalition.

“We’ve had enough talk about this,” according to Lindsey McCoy, the leader of Save The Bays, the group organizing the event. “The former government passed a bill [in 2012] but never enacted the legislation. That was withdrawn by the current government which said it wanted to amend it. The time has come to act.”

The demonstration will include music by popular Bahamian recording artist Kirkland ‘KB’ Bodie and Ta-Da, t-shirt sales, petitions and several speakers, the Bahamas Weekly reported. A petition campaign has been launched.

Government officials say the legislation is being reviewed by the Office of the Attorney General, according to media reports.

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