Tanzanian Minister Says FOI Legislation Being Prepared

9 May 2014

A top minister in Tanzania has stated that a paper proposing a freedom of information bill has been prepared.

The disclosure by Constitutional and Legal Affairs Minister Asha-Rose Migiro was reported May 5 in The Guardian.

She said the government is committed to observing Open Government Partnership (OGP) as part of its efforts to enhance good governance in all levels. “My ministry has prepared Paper proposing enactment of the Right to Information Act. It is our hope that this process will be complete by December this year,” Migiro was quoted as saying.

“Our goal is to enhance transparency in government businesses in all levels… this is in line with the requirement of article 18 of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania and that of Open Government Partnership,” the minister said.

Tanzania’s president, speaking in London in October 2013 at the OGP summit, pledged to pass a freedom of information bill “by next year.”

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