Rwandan Agencies Failing to Appoint Information Officers

18 April 2014

Barely a quarter of Rwandan public institutions have followed a mandate in the Access to Information Law to appoint information officers.

An official in the Office of Ombudsman said only 28 percent of the designations have been made, according to a New Times report by Eugene Kwibuka.

According to the article, a year after the law came into force, only 39 of the 138 public institutions in the country have designated the information officers.

“It’s not about appointing new staff to work as information officers; it doesn’t require a new structure. This is about designating someone at the institutions, preferably a senior official, to be the contact person for access to information within the institution,” said the official, Jean Aimé Kajangana,

“It’s important to appoint contact persons for releasing public information because sometimes not everyone at the public institutions is available to respond to requests,” Kajangana told The New Times.

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