A focus group meeting on right to information was held Jan. 14 in Ankara, Turkey, and civil society participants summarized their goals in a report.
The session was organized jointly by TACSO Turkey and STGM and brought together 16 CSO participants.
The purpose of the meeting was to share their opinions and experience in relation to right to information.
“This report based on the outputs of the Focus Group Meeting on Right to Information will contribute to TACSO Turkey’s Needs Analysis Report and will also be considered in setting the content of the guide presently prepared by Civil Society Development Center (STGM) for civil society organizations in practices related to the right to information,” according to a description.
Among other things, the participants concluded that there is a need to adopt measures “to ensure that governmental agencies properly fulfil their duties and obligations.”
Civil society efforts in relation to RTI “must be made more systematic,” cooperative and “insistent,” the participants agreed. The ideas of establishing a network and mechanism for legal information support and holding workshops were discussed.
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