UN Body Includes Access to Information on Agenda

28 February 2014

The United Nations Open Working Group on Sustainable Development has included “improved public access to information” among many topics addressed in a “focus areas” document announced Feb. 21.

The relevant focus area, among 19, states:

Focus area 19. Peaceful and non-violent societies, capable institutions

Creating peaceful, non-violent and inclusive societies, based on respect for all human rights including the right to development, is a cornerstone for sustainable development. Equality within and between countries is a key determinant of peaceful, non-violent and inclusive societies. Some areas that could be considered include: effective, accountable and transparent institutions; provision of public services for all; improvement of transparency in public finances management; fighting corruption in all its forms; improved public access to information; inclusive, participatory decision-making; strengthening local governments; strengthening of civil society; freedom of media, association and speech; strengthening the rule of law at all levels; curbing illicit financial flows; combating organized crime; reduction of crime, violence, abuse, exploitation, including against children and women; provision of legal identity, provision of property, use and access rights, to all persons; providing access to independent and responsive justice systems. Interlinkages to other focus areas include: poverty eradication, economic growth, sustainable cities, promoting equality, gender equality.

The Open Working Group will be holding monthly negotiations until July and is due to present its recommendations in September.

More than 200 groups signed a letter recently urging that governance issues be part of the working group’s agenda.

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