FOI Notes, Sierra Leone, US, India, EU, OGP

17 February 2014

Sierra Leone: Sierra Leone’s new RTI law is tied as 5th strongest in the world, according to an analysis by the Centre for Law and Democracy. The law scored 124 out of a possible maximum of 150 points on the RTI Rating, an analytical tool developed by CLD and its partner organisation, Access Info

India: India Post has launched the electronic Indian Postal Order (e-IPO) facility, which can be used for paying online fees for filing applications under the Right to Information Act, for Indian citizens living in India. The e-IPO facility was launched on March 22, 2013, for Indian citizens living across the globe. An official press release said the e-IPO is a facility to purchase an Indian Postal Order electronically for paying RTI fee online through e-Post Office  or India Post website.

United States: The New York Police Department’s Freedom of Information Law Unit is refusing to release its FOI guide. Public records request service MuckRock asked for the document in late December. Last week a lieutenant in the department’s records unit denied the request, calling the guide “privileged as an attorney-client communication.”

European Union: “The right to freedom of expression and information under the European Human Rights system: towards a more transparent democratic society,” by Dirk Voorhoof, has been published. “This paper explores some of the characteristics and developments of the European Court’s case law regarding media, journalism, internet freedom, newsgathering, whistleblowing and access to information. The perspective of the analysis is that effectively guaranteeing the right to freedom of expression and information helps developing the quality of democracy, the protection of other human rights and ultimately contributes to realise a more sustainable, and hence a better, world to live in.”

OGP: A recording of the OGP Webinar on Coaching and Drafting Stronger Action Plans held Feb. 13 is available. An OGP webinar on “Citizen Engagement with Supreme Audit Institutions to enhance audit work” will be held Feb. 25 at 10 a.m. EST.

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