Effort Continues to Pass RTI Legislation in Afghanistan

5 February 2014

Draft access to information legislation for Afghanistan has yet to make it from the Cabinet of Ministers to the Parliament, so campaigners are lobbying members of parliament.

A draft law was presented to the Cabinet eight months ago, according to Habibullah Muqbel of Integrity Watch Afghanistan.

“Despite our efforts it has not been sent to the Parliament yet,” he said. The current hope to get parliamentarians to introduce the bill.

An online petition urging the ministers to act on the bill has been started on Avaaz.org, stating:

“We, the under signed, demand from the Government of Afghanistan’s Council of Ministers to immediately send Draft Access to Information Law to the Afghan Parliament for approval before 1392 (March 2013). We are in pursuit of an effective and clear law that can be implemented through a transparent process with participation of civil society.”

The draft law was prepared early last year. (See previous FreedomInfo.org report.)

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