Indonesia, Mexico Outline Future Plans as OGP Chairs

31 October 2013

Representatives of Indonesia and Mexico, the two countries that will chair the Open Government Partnership in the coming year, outlined their leadership goals at a session Oct. 31 at the OGP London summit.

Tara Hidayat, deputy IV in the Indonesian Presidential Delivery Unit, said goals will be to maintain the health and ensure the sustainability of the two-year-old group.

Deepening the delivery and quality of national commitments is an important goal, she said. So is strengthening the engagement process, she said, saying the process must mature from debate to dialogue to engagement.

Hidayat also identified the goal of doing more work affecting subnational levels. Indonesia is the “lead”co-chair and will host the next summit.

Juan Pablo Guerrero, Secretary General of IFAI in Mexico, spoke about replicating the Mexican system for coordinating OGP activities. The three-part structure includes government, civil society, and the information commissioner. This raises the profile of access issues, he said.


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