Twenty Open Government Partnership countries recently submitted their self-assessments of progress on their national action plans, according to a tally.
Nineteen countries who faced the same Sept. 30 deadline have told OGP officials that the self-assessments are on the way.
Posted on the OGP website (on the individual country pages) are self-assessments from:
Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Macedonia, Montenegro, Paraguay, Peru, Romania, Slovak Republic, Sweden, Tanzania and Uruguay.
Still to come are:
Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Canada, Estonia, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, Netherlands, Spain, South Korea, Turkey and Ukraine.
A handful, however, may be significantly delayed. The Dutch Parliament, for example, just completed review of the action plan. Korea, Albania and Azerbaijan are also expected to be on the late side, but there is no official list.
All 39 are members of so-called cohort 2 countries that joined the OGP in April 2012.
The self-assessments, which are supposed to be developed in consultation with civil society, are one important input to the nest stage in the process. The OGP’s Independent Review Mechanism has hired reviewers who will do their own assessment of how well the governments did in following through on their national action plans. (See previous report.)
The delayed preparation of some national self-assessments will not slow down the independent reviewers, OGP officials said. The IRM report authors are receiving draft reports. Their reports ae shceudle for publication by Jan. 31, 2014. In the meantime, the counries as of Oct. 1 are supposed to be at work updating their plans, a task they are given four to six months to complete.
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