Spanish Parliament Approves FOI Bill; Senate Next

12 September 2013

The lower house of the Spanish parliament on Sept. 12 approved a Law on Transparency and Good Governance.

Approval came on a divided vote after attempts to amend the bill were turned back. Critics called the bill insufficient and opaque.

The bill, presented by Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria, now goes to the Senate.

Access Info Europe on Sept. 10 said that the current version of the Spanish transparency law “does not meet international standards” and would Spain would rank 72nd out of 96 countries with access to information laws, obtaining 68 points from a total of 150 on the Global RTI-Rating.

Access Info noted the addition of amendments, that “have marginally broadened the scope of bodies to which the law applies, whilst still maintaining the same faults as those in the version presented on 26 March 2012.” To read the analysis in Spanish, please click here (PDF)

See Reuters and World Bulletin coverage in English.

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