FOI Notes: Slovak Republic, United States, India, Budget Transparency

16 September 2013

Slovak Republic: The U.S. Sunlight Foundation issues its  first transparency case study on public procurement in the Slovak Republic. “Through our first case study, we’ve already found that online data publication can positively impact the growth of a region’s NGO community (which, in turn, can increase civil sector oversight), and we are excited about what our next case study might reveal.” The next stop is The Philippines.

People: Marguerite H. Sullivan announces her retirement as Senior Director of the Center for International Media Assistance in Washington, D.C., after launching the group seven years ago. Mark Nelson of the World Bank Institute will become senior director on Nov. 5.

United States: The Government Accountability Office issues a critical Sept. 10 report (.pdf) about the Office of Government Information Services within the National Archives and Records Administration. Read a Fierce Government article about the report and another in WatchDog.

Open Data: A report on a Sept. 10 conference, “Data Transparency 2013.”

India: An interview with Jagadananda, the former Information Commissioner of Odisha.

Budget Transparency: Alan Hudson, Policy Director (Transparency & Accountability) at ONE and Jonathan Gray, Director of Policy and Ideas at the Open Knowledge Foundation, write about plans to form a for a Follow the Money initiative at OKCon 2013, on Sept. 18.

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