FOI Notes: Legislative Transparency, CIMA FOI Forum, Open Data Census

5 September 2013

Legislative Transparency: The new Open Government Partnership Legislative Openness Working Group (LOWG) will hold a webinar from 09:00 – 10:30 a.m. EST (13:00 GMT) on Sept. 10. Register HERE . Presenters will be Juan Pablo Olmedo of the Bicameral Commission on Transparency of the Congress of Chile, Scott Hubli of the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, and Dan Swislow of the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs. To join  the session on use this link to login 5 minutes before the Webinar is scheduled to start: 

FOI Seminar: The Center for International Media Assistance at the National Endowment for Democracy and the International Senior Lawyers Project will hold a program entitled ”Breathing Life into Freedom of Information Laws: The Challenges of Implementation in the Democratizing World.” featuring  Robert J. Freeman, New York State Committee on Open Government; Craig LaMay, Northwestern University; and Aylair Livingstone,  FOI Specialist, 12:00-2:00 p.m. on Sept. 12, at 1025 F Street, NW., Suite 800,Washington, DC 20004. More.

Open Data Census: An invitation to participate on the Open Knowledge Foundation blog.

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