Court Nullifies Appointment of Four AP Commissioners

16 September 2013

An Indian High Court Sept. 15 voided the appointment of four information commissioners in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.

Chief Justice Kalyan Jyothi Sen Gupta and Justice K.C. Bhanu ruled in a case filed by civil society activists K. Padmanabhaiah, Rao, V.B.J. Chelikani and N. Padmanabha Reddy.

The petitioners challenged the appointment Feb. 6 of Varre Venkateswarulu, Lam Tantiya Kumari, Imtiaz Ahmed and M. Vijaya Nirmala. The petitioners said the appointees had retained political links with the Congress Party.

Agreeing, the court said the law requires that commission not be mebers of political parties. It directed the state government to make fresh appointments with six weeks.

See reports in The Hindu and The Times of India.

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