Survey: “Should FOIA requesters see responsive documents before they go online?” – the question posed in a Sunlight Foundation online poll.
OGP: The Open Government Partnership has started a Bright Spots Competition to identify and showcase open government initiatives at th Oct. 31- Nov. 1 Annual Summit. Visit the Bright Spot Competition page for details.
Open Economics Principles: The Open Economics Working Group offers Open Economics Principles, a Statement on Openness of Economic Data and Code. See Reasons and Background and a link to endorsing the Principles:
Open Data: The U.S. Sunlight Foundation has announced in a blog post the revamp (and redesign) of Sunlight’s Open Data Policy Guidelines and wanted to share with you. A new provision is about setting the default to open, a critical provision for helping to define public information and support its release. The Guidelines are accessible online at and can also be downloaded in PDF and ODT.
Research Call: “UNESCO launches a call for research proposals in order to identify principles for good practices and processes related to Internet intermediaries (such as Internet service providers, search engines, online media, and social media) that can protect freedom of expression by ensuring that any of limitations of this right are consistent with international standards. “
UNESCO invites interested researchers and organizations to submit their proposals, according to the Background note and General Terms of Reference, by email to Ms Xianhong Hu, before noon (CET), 13 September. Proposals should include a detailed description of the research methodology, possible case studies, timeline and the requested funding.
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