Philippine Groups File Petition to Promote Passage of FOI

1 July 2013

Utilizing an “indirect initiative provision,” 18 groups in the Philippines on July 1 filed a freedom of information bill with the House of Representatives.

The “People’s Freedom of Information Act of 2013,” supported by 18 groups, was submitted on the first day of the 16th Congress.

“We are invoking this right to send a strong message that the Filipinos want this bill passed into law,” said Nepo Malaluan, the lead convener of the Right to Know, Right Now! Coalition. “The past four Congresses have failed the people as far as FOI legislation is concerned.”

Bill may filed through indirect initiative by duly accredited organizations under the petition procedure, and “shall have precedence over the pending legislative measures on the committee.”

The bill’s supporters held an overnight vigil so as to be first in line to submit the petition.

Copies of the petition and the People’s FOI Bill may be downloaded here:

The People’s FOI Bill – 16th Congress

Petition – Indirect Initiative on FOI

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