Most Chinese Cities Rank Low on Fiscal Transparency

24 July 2013

A university study has concluded that most Chinese cities have weak fiscal transparency, according to an article in China Daily.

Eighty-four percent of the cities, or 243, scored below 100 on a 243 point scale, according to the study by the School of Public Policy and Management at Tsinghua University.

It included four parts, with each part worth 100 points: departments included in the budget; normal budget and expenditures; extra-budgetary and government debts; government capital and State-owned companies’ revenue and expenditures.

The survey covered all of China’s 285 prefecture-level cities (except Sansha city) and four municipalities.

The three bottom-ranking cities – Baicheng in Jilin province, Tongren in Guizhou province and Dingxi in Gansu province – did not disclose any information in terms of the four indexes.

Cities in Guangdong province performed best, with 10 cities in the top 30, and Anhui province followed with five.

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