3 July 2013

European Union: Emily O’Reilly, the Ombudsman of Ireland, has been elected as the next European Ombudsman, beginning Oct. 1.  

Employment: The Transparency and Accountability Initiative, a donor collaborative, is seeking a Program Officer to lead its Impact and Learning workstream.

IMF: The International Monetary Fund has released a revised draft of its Fiscal Transparency Code, which provides guidelines to help improve policymaking and accountability for the use of public money. The IMF says that its efforts to revise the code will be “the basis for a renewed push for greater fiscal transparency.” Visit the IMF’s website to read the draft and submit comments.

UNESCO: Preserving digital information is the topic of a planned December meeting sponsored by UNECO and others. “As a preparation for the Hague meeting, the organizers have proposed a two hour preparatory workshop at Digitalheritage2013, in order to collect feedback from the global heritage community on this initiative and to gain up to date information on issues that the platform should tackle.” For more see here.

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