FOI Notes: EU, Uruguay, OGP, UK, US, Open Gov

10 June 2013

European Union: An article on transparency in the European Union by Deirdre Curtin, professor of European Law at the University of Amsterdam.

Open Government:A Citizen’s Guide to Open Government, E-Government, and Government 2.0” – a listing of resources compiled by the University of North Carolina school of public administration.

Uruguay:  The Uruguayan 2013 Online Transparency Index, released by CAinfo recently, document describes the situation of with online public information. The results show a high level of performance at the central government level, although some agencies still don´t comply with the minimum transparency obligations. Also the index shows that performance is very low at the municipal level, except for the city of Montevideo. The index can be found at

 OGP: See tool to monitor the Open Government partnership commitments of African nations done by the Africa  Freedom of Information Centre.

OGP: A summary of the report of the first Open Government Partnership regional meeting in Africa, hosted by the government of Kenya from May 29-30.

United Kingdom: New guidance announced on 12 topics in the June newsletter.

United States: Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington writes about three ways to reform the FOI law.

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