OGP Seeks Researchers on 39 Country Action Plans

16 May 2013

The Open Government Partnership’s “Independent Reporting Mechanism” (IRM) is looking for researchers in 39 countries to carry out evaluations of national action plans.

The IRM is now accepting applications for researchers in the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Paraguay, Peru, Romania, Slovak Republic, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Tanzania, Turkey, Ukraine, and Uruguay.

A description here provides more information.

The deadline for applications is June 21. Among other qualifications, there is a strong preference for nationals of the country to be evaluated and for those with experience relevant to country action plans.

The OGP has begun the independent evaluations on the founding eight countries’ plans and recently disclosed the names of those researchers. (See previous FreedomInfo.org report.) The IRM is part of the OGP and is guided by a group of senior and technical advisors.  

Member OGP countries conduct self-assessments of their national action plans.

The independent evatuations will provide another perspective.

“Each national progress report will assess the implementation of action plans and progress in fulfilling open government principles, and will develop technical recommendations,” the announcement states.

The goal is to finish the next 39 evaluations by the end of 2013.

The stated qualifications are:

  • Demonstrated history of policy-relevant research.
  • National reputation as objective, impartial, and thorough.
  • Track record of producing clear, policy-relevant publications.
  • Ability to facilitate stakeholder dialogues, research, interviews, and institutional analysis.
  • Specific experience working on public policy issues related to governance, transparency, accountability, or public participation more broadly.
  • Experience working with and engaging civil society, the government, and the private sector.
  • Demonstrated ability to solicit, incorporate, and respond to official and public comments on
  • Ability to carry out research within a strict time frame.
  • Demonstrated capacity and willingness to engage broad range of stakeholders in a neutral and objective fashion including high level officials and broad network of civil society actors.
  • Strong English-language or Spanish skills.

The announcement goes on to outline the duties, the compensation (nonspecific), and the decision-making process.

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