New OGP SC Members From Mexico, Moldova, Indonesia

11 April 2013

The Open Government Partnership has announced three new civil society members on the OGP Steering Committee: Alejandro González of Mexico, Veronica Cretu of Moldova and Maryati Abdullah of Indonesia.

The announcement described them this way:

  • Alejandro González (GESOC, Mexico).Young and energetic; well connected to and involved in some of the important Latin American networks; worked on a broad range of open government issues; strong regional experience; nominated by 14 Mexican civil society organisations.
  • Veronica Cretu (“CMB” Training Center, Moldova). Solid international board and work experience (ICANN, IGF, WB); strategically strong; broker/connector; diplomatic; works well with government; very involved with OGP in Moldova and the region;.
  • Maryati Abdullah (PWYP, Indonesia); also young and dynamic; a strong female voice; track record in RTI and natural resources; knows how to work with government; is part of the Indonesian OGP core team.

The new members will replace Juan Pardinas, Gladwell Otieno and Tom Blanton.

A call for nominations resulted in 24 nominated candidates, according to the description of the process in the announcement.

The five-person selection committee was: Galib Abasov (National Budget Group, Azerbaijan), C.R. Hibbs (Stanford University’s Center for Philanthropy and Civil Society, US/Mexico), Tom Blanton (NSA, US – leaving the SC), Rakesh Rajani (Twaweza, Tanzania – remaining on the SC) and the independent OGP Civil Society Coordinator Paul Maassen (Hivos, Belgium/The Netherlands).

The goal of diversity meant ruling out candidates from Africa, Europe and the United States.

The new members will attend Steering Committee meeting in London at the end of April.

The OGP has yet to determine the succession among the government members of the Steering Committtee.

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