FOI Notes: U.S. Sunshine Week, Trade Transparency, Defining Open Government

8 March 2013

United States: A rundown of Sunshine Week (March 10-16) events by Gavin Baker of the Center for Effective Government, on a new blog, The Fine Print. Also see Sunshine Week website.

United States: The Project On Government Oversight and partner organizations have released Highlighted Best Practices for Openness and Accountability, a report providing examples of federal agencies’ innovative practices for enhancing government openness, according to a press release summary. Proactive disclosure is a major topic.

Trade: Transparency is playing an ever increasing role in the handling of disputes between investors and states, according to a report  by the United National Conference on Trade and Development. The extensive report looks at transparency in International Investment Agreements and in investor-state dispute settlement proceedings.

Open Government: “If transparency is not accompanied by participation and accountability activities, its usefulness is limited,” from an OGP  blog post by Piedro Prieto Martin.

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