FOI Notes: Southeast Asia, Info Commissioners, Latin America, Job

20 March 2013

Southeast Asia: The extensive minutes of the Transparency Advisory Group meeting in January provide an excellent overview of RTI activities in the region. Many topics are covered in the presentations and discussions, including: the value of examples of RTI use, proactive disclosure, indicators of success. TAG’s workplan and other information are available on its website.

Survey of Information Commissioners: The Centre for Freedom of Information is conducting a survey of information commissioners and ombudsmen around the world in order to develop data on how commissioners go about their role.

The survey includes questions asking: 

  • Are the number of appeals received increasing or decreasing?
  • How long on averages does it  take to deal with appeals?
  • What powers are available to Commissioners to investigate appeals and to what extent are these are being used?
  • Are draft decisions  shared with authorities and/or applicants , and are final decisions published?
  • What are the financial and staff resources available , and are these adequate? 
  • What are the terms of the appointment of the Commissioner?

The Centre is a joint venture between the School of Law, University of Dundee and the Scottish Information Commissioner, focussed on the implementation, interpretation and enforcement of laws which provide rights to information globally.

Inter-American Development Bank:Open Government and Targeted Transparency: Trends and Challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean,” was issued by the Bank. Among other things, one chapter analyzes the 243 commitments submitted by the Latin American and Caribbean countries in the Open Government Partnership. This publication compiles some of the experiences and lessons learned from five different countries (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Guatemala).

Employment: UNESCO is seeking qualified candidates for the position of Communication and Information Project Officer at its Office in Rabat. The incumbent will work on the project “Promoting Freedom of Expression in Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen.” This project, funded by the Finnish Government, focuses on supporting freedom of expression and the role of free, independent and pluralistic media in advancing democratic transition and development in Arab States.

Further information about the assignment and requirements is available in the vacancy announcement for the Project Officer in Rabat.


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