FOI Notes: Profiles of Indian RTI Activists, Job Openings, Articles, Resources

7 March 2013

India: Profiles in Mumbai Boss of three RTI filers, including one who has made 10,000 requests. Short, but good reading. A snippet:

For Kothari, filing RTI applications seems to be an obsessive hobby. But if it wasn’t for him, perhaps we wouldn’t know that 168 policemen committed suicide between 2002 and 2012, that only four of 38 toilets in Andheri station are for women and that in September 2011, Mukesh Ambani’s skyscraper home Antilia consumed 816,000 units of power.

Job Opening: The Open Government Partnership is advertising for a Program Assistant to work on the Independent Reporting Mechanism.

Job Opening: Open Society Foundations is seeking a Program Officer, who will have “primary responsibility for strategy development and grant-making for the Open Government portfolio, and for developing the connections between this work and the other priorities of the Democracy Fund, U.S. Programs, and OSF’s work.”

United States: A cute series of “postcards” As we started digging deeper into the municipal policies already on the books in this arena, we couldn’t help but notice the wide array of justifications and explanations given in the pursuit of data liberation on the city level, often expressed in “whereas” clauses.

United States: An updated compilation of resources on access to government information prepared by the Digital Media Law Project of the Berkman Center at Harvard University.

International Development: An article in Huffington Post by Terra Lawson-Remer, Assistant Professor at The New School and Fellow at Council on Foreign Relations, entitled: “Open and Accountable Government for All: A Key Goal for Global Development.”

Kenya: Robert Hunja and Felipe Estefan write about the prospects for open government after the elections.

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