OGP Proposes Guide for Independent Evaluators

22 February 2013

The Open Government Partnership has invited public comment on a detailed research draft guide to be used by the independent evaluators who will review national action plans.

Comments will be accepted through March 7, according to posting about the draft guide, which includes the necessary links to documents.

The 20-25 page reports to be prepared should include sections on the development of action plans, progress in implementing commitments, the national context of action plans and recommendations and next steps for OGP participation, according to the description.

The first eight countries up for reporting will be Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Norway, Philippines, South Africa, United Kingdom, and the United States. “Research will begin in earnest in April with publication in September. The 38 countries submitting their action plan reports in April of 2012 will begin the IRM process later this year,” according to the OGP posting.

The draft was prepared by the OGP Independent Reporting Mechanism in February following the first meeting of the Technical Experts Group of the Independent Experts’ Panel (IEP), the directive body of the IRM.

Civil Society News

In another development, the OGP extended until March 8 the deadline for nominations to serve as a one of three new civil society representatives on the Steering Committee.

The OGP also said it is planning conference calls in the first week of March for talking with the civil society Steering Committee members. “The calls will provide a good way for them to share their priorities for the coming months, but are especially an opportunity for participants to ask questions, share ideas and concerns or bring up concrete suggestions.”

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