FOI Notes: UK, US, OGP, Open Data, Sunlight Foundation

15 February 2013

United Kingdom:Your right to know? The future for transparency in England,” a report by The Centre for Public Scrutiny (CfPS), “the leading national organisation for ideas, thinking and the application and development of policy and practice to promote transparent, inclusive and accountable public services.”

United States: An overview of the Obama record on transparency by Pro Publica reporter Jennifer LaFleur.

Open Data:Open Data Field Guide” published by Socrata, offering advice to governments. Lots of information in multiple chapters, with a U.S. focus.

Big Data: An article about a cautionary speech by Nate Silver, who recently authored a book about predictive analytics and successfully predicted the presidential election outcomes in all 50 states in his Five Thirty Eight blog for the New York Times.

Open Data Day: Overview of upcoming events by blogger David Eaves.

Sunlight Foundation: Julia Keser, who has been working in Hungarian transparency community, joins the Sunlight Foundation in Washington to coordinate their new international program, with a major focus on legislative transparency.

OGP: The Open Government Partnership renews its call for persons to conduct the independent reviews of action plans in the OGP founding countries. While the call for researchers closed last week, for Brazil, Mexico, Philippines, South Africa, and the United Kingdom, the OGP is still looking for researchers in Indonesia, Norway, and the United States.

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