FOI Notes: Chile, Social Media, FOI Journalism, Open Data, Social Media, China, Aid Transparency

10 January 2013

Chile:  Chilean journalists think there´s more transparency in Chile now, but there still are institutions that are very slow to provide the answers. Almost 500 Chilean journalists participated in a survey  (in Spanish) by the National Press Association (Asociación Nacional de la Prensa “ANP”) about the state of the access to public information, according to a report in El Rancaguino.  

Journalism: A collection on hundred of ideas for using FOI to create stories, based on the British experience are listed in a posting by Claire Miller, a reporter at Media Wales, based on a regular “FOI Friday” feature about stories based on FOI request done by another blogger, David Higgerson. Also, U.S. journalist Alex Howard writes about data journalism in Africa, interviewing data journalism advocate Justin Arenstein.

Open Data: An ongoing online discussion of a “five star” rating for open data systems in the United Kingdom.

Social Media: The use of social media by federal agencies in the United States is examined a new report by the Partnership for Public Service and Booz Allen Hamilton. “Use of digital platforms is by no means standard across government,” the report states. “In fact, some federal employees are still prohibited from even accessing social media sites.” Also see article on the report in Next Gov.

China: The Carter Center Global Access to Information Initiative has summarized its pro-transparency work in China.

Aid Transparency: Predictions about aid transparency developments for 203 from David Hall-Matthews, Managing Director, Publish What You Fund.

Website Audits:  A report about usability of U.S. government agency websites.

Open Data:  The new website of the Open Government Platform (OGPL), a joint effort by India and United States to promote transparency and greater citizen engagement by making more government data, documents, tools and processes publicly available


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