What’s New

  • 14 September 2012

    Open Data, FOI Communities Show Signs of Convergence

    By Toby McIntosh Small signs are signaling the emergence of more cooperation between two transparency communities – one focused on open data, the other on access to information – whose relationship has been hampered by cultural differences and distinct agendas, according to FreedomInfo.org interviews with activists in both camps. The cultural differences, in part the […]

  • 14 September 2012

    Indian Court Says Judges Must Head Commissions

    The Supreme Court of India has ordered that all Chief Information Commissioners must be retired judges and that each case must be heard by a two-member bench, with one judicial member and one non-judicial member. The Central Information Commission (CIC), the final appellate authority for RTI Act, suspended hearings on Sept. 14, held an urgent […]

  • 14 September 2012

    U.S. Coalition Scores Obama in 2012 Secrecy Report Card

    The  U.S. coalition OpenTheGovernment.org has issued a report saying that President Obama’s transparency promises are falling short. Patrice McDermott, Executive Director of OpenTheGovernment.org, said, “The Obama Administration has set policies that are starting to turn the tide in favor of open government. But, as far as we can tell from existing numbers, those policies have […]

  • 7 September 2012

    Russian FOI Foundation Resists Registration as a Foreign Agent

    By Nate Jones Jones is the Freedom of Information Coordinator at the National Security Archive who is also currently working with the Freedom of Information Foundation in Saint Petersburg, Russia. According to the Russian federal law 121-FZ, “On the Regulation of Noncommercial Organizations Acting as Foreign Agents,” Russian noncommercial organizations funded from abroad that engage […]

  • 7 September 2012

    Demons Seen in Philippines; Fears of Conspiracy Voiced

    To my fellow Representatives: Let us not create demons in our own minds as we have full control of the final language of the law. That’s a Sept. 4 tweet from the Philippines’ House Deputy Speaker Lorenzo “Erin” Tañada III, a frustrated proponent of the still-stalled freedom of information bill. Meanwhile, the House Majority Leader […]

  • 7 September 2012

    Jammu and Kashmir Moves Seen as Undercutting RTI

    The Jammu and Kashmir government in India on Aug. 30 passed new rules that critics say undercut the state right to information act. One main effect will be to reduce the information commission’s ability to require information from government departments, according to an article by Riyaz Wani in Tehelka. Chief Minister Omar Abdullah said this […]

  • 7 September 2012

    OGP Nearing New Personnel as Anniversary Approaches

    With its first birthday on the horizon, the Open Government Partnership is surveying member governments about their OGP-related activities and new personnel announcements are expected soon. The OGP Steering Committee is nearing the selction of a new executive director, a director of the Independent Review Mechanism process and the eight members of the panel that will […]

  • 7 September 2012

    South African Coalition Says Not to Rush Secrecy Bill

    The RighttoKnow Campaign in South Africa has urged the Ad Hoc Committee on the Protection of State Information Bill (NCOP) not to rush action on the secrecy bill and to address seven areas of concern. The Sept. 5 letter acknowledges “the stand the above-mentioned committee has taken against the State Security Agency and other securocratic […]

  • 7 September 2012

    FOI Notes: Latin America, Chile, Parliaments, Photo Contest

    Latin America: Alianza Regional por la Libre Expresión e Información has created a new website: http://www.alianzaregional.net/, in Spanish.  Alianza Regional is a coalition of 22 organizations of 19 countries of the Americas that promote access to public information and freedom of expression through the continent. Latin America: The Department for Effective Public Management (DGPE) of […]

  • 31 August 2012

    India to Promote RTI In Message to Children

    The Indian government has decided to promote the Right to Information Act to school children. A message will be displayed inside the back cover of some textbooks, according to direction from the National Council of Education, Research and Training. An estimated 10 million children will read: “The basic aim of the RTI Act is to […]

  • 30 August 2012

    Macedonian Review Reveals Progress, Remaining Issues

    Government agencies are improving in their responsiveness to information requests, according to a new study by the Macedonian Young Lawyers Association (MYLA), but “some difficulties and problems were noted.” “More than two thirds of the information holders responded within the legal limit of 30 days and delivered the requested information,” according to the association’s announcement. […]

  • 30 August 2012

    German Court Rules on FOI Corporate Coverage

    By Rafael Njotea This article appeared in Wobbing Europe on Aug. 23. Companies owned by the state for 50 percent or more fall under the same transparency regulations as public bodies, a court ruling by the Berlin Administrative Court says. Previously, the freedom of information regulation only held for companies owned by the state for […]

  • 30 August 2012

    FOI Notes: Middle East, EU, Mini-Grants, Contest

    Middle East: The August issue of the ATI newsletter on the regional dialogue on access to information in MENA region contains a country-by-country update on recent regional developments by Toby Mendel of the Centre for Democracy and Law, a summary of a June regional workshop, an article on the media and ATI laws by Rosario […]

  • 29 August 2012

    Report Excoriates Zimbabwe Access Environment

    Access to information in Zimbabwe is “sternly restricted” according to a new and comprehensive report that sees some hope in the ongoing development of a new Constitution, but otherwise paints a bleak picture. “The culture of secrecy prevalent in most government departments suggest that access to information is not seen as a right but a […]

  • 29 August 2012

    ANC Makes Concessions Concerning Secrecy Bill

    The ruling African National Congress in South Africa said Aug. 29 that  it would make several concessions concerning the controversial proposed secrecy bill. One change will ensure that the bill will not trump the Promotion of Access to Information Act, a potential outcome considered unconstitutional by critics. The ANC also agreed to drop Section 49, […]

  • 27 August 2012

    US Issues Memo on Government Records

    The Obama administration Aug. 24 issued a memorandum on managing government records,  with President Obama stating “…proper records management is the backbone of open Government.”  Among other things, the memorandum will require all agencies to identify a senior official responsible for records, provide plans for improving or maintaining its records management program, especially electronic records; […]

  • 27 August 2012

    Prospects Brighten for ATI Legislation in Namibia

    Namibian government officials are giving favorable signals about access to information legislation and civil society is organizing to push for it, according to recent reports and information provided to FreedomInfo.org. At a recent two-day conference the Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Joel Kaapanda, addressed ATI in a speech read on his behalf by the […]

  • 27 August 2012

    Israeli Court Orders Release of Educational Test Records

    Israel’s Supreme Court has ordered the release of data about the scores of individual schools in national and international comparative exams. The request was filed six years ago by a group of parents active in a nongovernmental organization concerned about education in poverty neighborhoods. The Ministry of Education denied, attempts at compromise failed, and an […]

  • 27 August 2012

    No Action on Sierra Leone FOI Bill as Elections Approach

    The Sierra Leone freedom of information bill remains in limbo despite promises of action in May, prompting an international organization of journalists to urge its approval by parliament. The situation is described in a recent blog post in Young African Voices which highlights the recent observation by Sierra Leone’s Minister of Information and Communications, Alhaji I.B. […]

  • 27 August 2012

    US Judge Provides Detailed Guide to Electronic Searches

    A federal judge in United States has provided a detailed examination of proper electronic search techniques in the freedom of information context. The lengthy decision by Judge Shira A. Scheindlin came in the context of a request for agency records regarding immigration. She criticized the federal agencies involved for their search efforts, and provides an […]