What’s New

  • 6 January 2012

    Aquino Urges Passage of Modified FOI Bill

    President Benigno Aquino has approved his version of freedom of information legislation, altering it to drop a proposal for an information commission. The president’s recommendation for congressional approval was heralded as yet another sign of potential progress toward enactment.  The elimination of a commission clause did not distress supporters because they expect that the alternative of […]

  • 6 January 2012

    Nepal Group Seeks Info From Political Parties

    The Nepalese group Freedom Forum is using the right to information law to request information from political parties. The group is relying on a provision in the RTI Act of 2007 including political parties as “public agencies” required to disclose information. Freedom Forum said Jan 3 that it has sought the following information with the […]

  • 6 January 2012

    FOIA Notes: Video, UK, Brasil, US, India

    Video:  A two-minute animated video from The Access Initiative of the World Resources Initiative describes the potential value of participation in the decision-making about a new highway. United Kingdom: Martin Rosenbaum in a BBC report discusses efforts to the reform the UK law. He begins: “Freedom of information has been in force in the UK for […]

  • 6 January 2012

    FOI Bill Tabled in Botswana by Saleshando

    A freedom of information bill has been tabled in Botswana and sponsors hope it will be debated in Parliament soon, according to a Botswana Gazette report. Member of Parliament for Gaborone Central Dumelang Saleshando, the president of the minority Botswana Congress Party, introduced the measure in December. But Saleshando said the bill will be debated […]