What’s New

  • 2 July 2012

    Sunlight Foundation Issues Open Data Policy Guidelines

    The Sunlight Foundation in the United States has issued a 33 point Guidelines for Open Data Policies that also address topics such as exceptions to disclosure and mandated electronic requests. The guidelines are designed to influence government thinking on open data, according to an introduction written by Laurenellen McCann, the National Policy Manager at the […]

  • 2 July 2012

    Retiring Indian Commissioner Ghandi Says RTI Threatened

    Shailesh Ghandhi, who will retire June 6 as an Indian Information Commissioner, is warning of threats facing the right to information law. In an interview with  CNN IBN, Gandhi said, “I believe that so far the RTI Act has achieved far more than expected but there are serious threats most of us are not conscious […]

  • 2 July 2012

    Argentina: Lights and Shadows in a New Provincial Law

    By Natalia Torres Torres is Senior Researcher for the Center for Studies on Freedom of Expression and Access to Information  (CELE) in Argentina. See this article Spanish. In a recognized paper, Pollitt and Bouckaert laid out in words and evidence a fact that has been obvious for analysts of public policy: “All other things being […]

  • 2 July 2012

    Argentina: claroscuros de una nueva ley provincial

    Por Natalia Torres, Investigadora Principal del CELE En un célebre trabajo, Pollitt y Bouckaert le pusieron palabras y evidencia a un hecho bastante obvio para los que analizamos políticas públicas: “Todo el resto de las variables constantes, las reformas en los estados descentralizados –ya sean unitarios o federales- tienden a tener menos alcance y a […]

  • 29 June 2012

    Indian CIC Elaborates on Access to Cabinet Papers

    India’s Central Information Commission has ruled that Cabinet documents should be disclosed after a bill had been offered in Parliament and that requesters do not need to wait until after Parliament acts. The Commission ordered the Department of Atomic Energy to produce the Cabinet note, papers and file notings relating to the Nuclear Safety Regulatory […]

  • 29 June 2012

    10,400 Requests in First Month of Brazilian Law

    Brazil’s Federal Comptroller General has reported that citizens had filed approximately 10,400 requests in the first month in which the new access law has been effective, according to O Fórum de Direito de Acesso a Informações Públicas. Nearly 70 percent of these (7,400) had already been answered, or around 7,400 requests, according to the government date […]

  • 29 June 2012

    EU Ombudsman Flags Transparency as Official Goal

    The European Ombudsman, P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, has published a set of five principles” to guide the conduct of EU civil servants that includes transparency. The fifth principle states: 5. Transparency Civil servants should be willing to explain their activities and to give reasons for their actions. They should keep proper records and welcome public scrutiny of […]

  • 29 June 2012

    Bhutan Council Nixes Action on RTI Legislation

    The Bhutan National Council June 27 rejected a proposal to take up a right to information bill as an “urgent bill,” according to a BBS news report. The proposal by member Sangay Khandu did not pass after receiving nine votes. Eight members abstained from voting and six voted “No,” according to BBS. The Council, however, […]

  • 29 June 2012

    UK Issues White Paper on Open Data, FOIA

    The United Kingdom on June 28 issued an Open Data White Paper detailing plans for publishing government data, including some mentions of the  freedom of information law that led several observers to predict higher fees. While not proposing any changes to the FOI law at this time, the White Paper said that an expanded Code […]

  • 29 June 2012

    FOI Notes: Research Sought, OGP Jobs, MENA Facebook, New Reports

    Open Data: An “Open Data Academic Research” session will be taking place at OKFest this year, and proposals for papers are being requested.The session will bring together a community of researchers from a variety of disciplines who are exploring Open Data from a range of perspectives, including: mapping the movement,  open data impacts,  open data […]

  • 28 June 2012

    Acceso a la Información en México: Seguridad Nacional y Migración

    Evaluando Solicitudes Mexicanas de Acceso a la Información Sobre Migrantes Centroamericanos Cruzando Por México: Resultados Mixtos Por Lydia White, estudiante de maestría en American University, Washington, D.C., EEUU. [click here for English version of the report] En Octubre 31, 2011, 33 mujeres iniciaron un viaje en búsqueda de parientes desaparecidos. Conocidas como la Caravana de […]

  • 28 June 2012

    Access to Information in Mexico: Migration and National Security

    Evaluating Mexican Freedom of Information Requests on Central American Migrants Crossing through Mexico: Mixed Results By Lydia White, M.A. candidate of International Affairs at American University, Washington, D.C. [clic aquí para la versión en español] On October 31, 2011, 33 women set off on a journey in search of missing relatives. Known as the Caravana […]

  • 25 June 2012

    Zambian Government Delays Offering Access Legislation

    The Zambia government on June 25 postponed a planned June 26 unveiling of a freedom of information bill, according to media reports and emails to FreedomInfo.org. A bill has been developed by a task force of government and non-government representatives, but the delay was attributed to a desire by the Attorney General, who was out of […]

  • 25 June 2012

    OGP Review: New Study, Continued Activism

    With the submission of most national action plans in the past and their review in the future, recent news about the Open Government Partnership lately has centered on the first study of the action plans and efforts to persuade countries to join or to live up to OGP ideals. Activists in Ireland and Hungary are seeking […]

  • 25 June 2012

    Azerbaijan Moves to Restrict Access to Corporate Data

    The Azerbaijan parliament has voted to “considerably” restrict access to corporate information, in the words of one transparency activist there. Parliament June 12 adopted amendments that will curtail public access to information about the ownership of commercial entities, the amount of their charter capital, ownership structure, and other similar data, according to  reports on the […]

  • 25 June 2012

    Work on African Model Law Enters Next Stage

    A model freedom of information law for Africa is on track for adoption in October, according to the organizers. The final sub-regional consultation was held in Tunis on June 16 and 17. “The consultation was the final in a series held by the Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria on behalf of the African […]

  • 21 June 2012

    South Africa Again Delays Work on Secrecy Bill

    Approval of the controversial South African secrecy bill has been postponed again. With Parliament heading into recess, the National Council of Provinces extended until the end of September the reporting deadline of the committee examining the bill. Recently,, state security officials have objected not only to the bill, but to amendments proposed by members of […]

  • 21 June 2012

    Department of Justice Accused of Undermining FOIA Ombudsman

    By Jason Leopold The following copyrighted article appeared June 15 in Truthout.org, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing independent news and commentary, and is reprinted with permission. The Obama administration continues to disseminate a flawed narrative about President Obama’s commitment to open government. Just last week, White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters during a […]

  • 21 June 2012

    RIO+20 Showing Positive Signs on Transparency

    Some positive moves on environmental transparency are being seen by activists in the text emerging from the RIO+20 conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The current text for the “outcome document” contains some language which opens up the door to further implement Principle 10, which deals with access to information, public participation and access to […]

  • 21 June 2012

    Efforts to Revise Access Rules in EU Pronounced Dead

    By Staffan Dahllöf This article appeared June 14 in Wobbing Europe with headline “Game Over, Nobody Won.” When EU-ministers meet in Luxembourg June 26 for General Affairs Council there will be no recast of access rules for documents to discuss, let alone to decide upon. After more than a week of internal deliberations the Danish […]