Zambian FOI Bill to Be Offered in 2013, Minister Says

24 December 2012

A key Zambian minister has promised that a freedom of information bill will be presented to Parliament in the first quarter of 2013, according to a newspaper report.

Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services, Kennedy Sakeni, made the comment during a trip to see the Northern Province Permanent Secretary, Hlobotha Nkunika, in Kasama, the Lusaka Times reported.

The Zambia government on June 25 postponed a planned June 26 unveiling of a freedom of information bill, citing scheduling difficulties in getting approval for the bill by the Attorney General. The bill has been developed by a task force of government and non-government representatives. (See previous report.)

Media Institute of Southern Africa (Zambia) Chapter acting chairperson Nalumino Nalumino in October said he remains optimistic that the Patriotic Front (PF) Government will propose a promised FOI bill. (See previous report.)

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