FOI Notes: MENA Newsletter, Funding, Conference Videos

2 November 2012

MENA Newsletter: Newsletter #5 of the Regional Dialogue on Access to Information in the Middle East and North Africa contains a summary of the activities that stakeholders in Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia on access to information. It also includes three guest columns on the history of the International Right to Know Day, how other countries celebrate it, as well as one column on how to foster the use of ATI in vulnerable communities among others. Here you can find versions in English and Arabic.

Funding: Global Integrity has launched TESTING 123: The Global Integrity Innovation Fund to invest in “new ideas that target transparency and accountability in governance.” These ideas may come in the form of a product, service, tool, or method that can include technology but are not required to. Selected applications will receive up to $10,000 to carry out the project. Visit the Global Integrity Innovation Fund website for more information and to submit an application. Applications are due on Friday, November 16, 2012 at 5pm EST.

Video: See a Wilson Center Oct. 11 event titled “Access to Information and Accountability: A Global Context.” Also see an article on the discussion on the National Security Archive blog Unredacted.

Video: A World Resource Institute Oct. 25 program on “Strengthening the Right to Information for the People and the Environment.”

OGP: A summary of a session on access to information at the Second European Regional Outreach Meeting Oct. 4 in Dubrovnik, Croatia.


United States: The State Department’s Office of Inspector General has issued a critical report on the State Department’s FOIA Operations. 


Open Data: A blog post by Guillermo Moncecchi, Head of Development in the IT department of the city of Montevideo, titled “Towards a public digital infrastructure: why do governments have a responsibility to go open?”



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